4 Transformative Tips for a Healthier You


Starting a fitness journey can feel daunting, but the journey is worth it.

I started mine because I got tired of feeling sluggish, unhappy, and insecure. I wanted to feel energetic, confident, and productive. And that’s exactly what fitness did for me.

Here are 4 things I wish I had done when I started mine:

1. Enjoy the process. Fitness is not a destination, but a journey. Celebrate your progress, learn from your setbacks, and have fun along the way.

2. Be consistent. Fitness is not a quick fix, but a lifestyle. It’s not about what you do once in a while, but what you do every day. I would stick to a routine that works for me and my schedule, and make it a habit.

3. Try new things. Fitness is not a one-size-fits-all thing. There are so many different types of exercises and workouts to choose from. I would experiment with different options and find what I love and what works for me.

4. Do it with love. Fitness is not a punishment, but a gift. It’s not about hating your body, but honouring it. I would do it with kindness, compassion, and respect.

How did you start your fitness journey? What are some things you’d do if you were starting now?

Follow Ami (@prettyplantpowered) on Instagram for more tips and tricks.


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